Tuesday, September 29, 2009

White Star ch.9

Sam was over by the lifeboats and lady Cabot was yelling and all the other people were trying to get her to sit down so the lifeboat does not tip. Then someone came and said they would act like Sam was their son, but Sam ran away as fast as he could to get to Star. Sam got to Star and put the leash on Star then ran back to the lifeboats to get on, but he heard someone talking that no dogs allowed on the lifeboat. Star pulled Sam across the floor. Star jumped in the water with Sam holding on as tight as he can. Star started to swim. Sam heard someone yelling at them from a lifeboat. Star swam to the lifeboat and they where trying to get Sam in the lifeboat, but Sam would not let go of the leash. Sam said he will not go with out Star because Star saved his life.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Science lab

In theme we did a science lab by making a boat and put it in water then 1 by 1 we but a lego on it to see how much it will hold in tell it sinks. My boat held 28 legos.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

White Star prediction

Sam lied about his age because he was not going to leave without Star. Sam said he was 14 but he was 12. Then Sam was tried to go get Star but Bucky's mom stopped him.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

White Star7&8

Sam was going to bed but he heard a scratching sound so he when to look out the window to see what it was.He felt a cold breeze. Sam went to the deck to see what was going on. They are having the women and kids get on the life boats first but Sam was lying about his age because he did not want to leave with out Star.

Friday, September 11, 2009

White Star4-11

Sam, Buck, and Star where in a part of the Titanic that they are not allowed to be in and they got caught. They had to run away from the guys. Then Sam's room to give Star a bath. Sam met a lady by the elevator with her dog. She was going to talk it to the people that walk the dogs.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

White Star

We are reading about a story that is called "White Star." It is about a boy named Sam. His dad died and his mom got really sick so Sam had to move to his

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Weekend

This weekend I am going to help my sis move in her 1st apartment. Then tonight I might stay with Angela. Sunday I am babysitting my nephew Cayden.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Favoite Thing in School

My favorite thing in school so far is math. I am very good at it.It's easier for me to do it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my summer of 09

My summer was very good. My sis had her baby. It was a boy and his name is Cayden Taylor. He is now 2 mouths and he is teething. I love being an aunt.